transformational coaching

Sometimes you are working towards a goal and you’re needing some help transforming the way you are going about it, other times you need a safe space to process the big picture of your life. In this container, You are invited to dive into what’s present for you and receive deep listening, a safe space for process, clearing conversation, and reflections with actionable steps to help inform your next right step.

Immersions allow us 4-6 hours to create a fully bespoke blend of deep listening, clearing conversation, ceremony, mindful practices, bodywork, and reflections to help enliven, understand, and anchor transformation.

2-6 month individual/relationship coaching containers are available, please schedule a consult to discuss your where you are and your needs.

90 minute Zoom session $450

Half day in-person immersion - 4 hours - $1500

Full day in-person immersion - 6 hour - $2200

*Consultation is required to receive scheduling link to transformational coaching

shamanic bodywork

Sometimes you need to get the tension that’s been locked in your muscles, other times to remind yourself of your connection to your body… and sometimes you just need someone with strong hands to massage you. Whatever the intention, I’m happy to lend over 45,000 hours of education, training, and experience in 12 different styles of massage to help support your body’s feeling and well-being.

This is offered at the Sanctuary in the Sky at 42nd St Midtown West, located 58 floors over Manhattan with a SW facing view and deeply healing/grounding energy.

90 minute in-person shamanic bodywork - $350

2h in-person shamanic bodywork - $450

human design reading

If you know a bit about Human Design and are ready to dive a bit deeper into your chart, we can spend 30 minutes on a specific question/aspect on your chart, or we can spend 90 minutes to open the channel and unpack your chart and how it relates to your life, family, business, and relationships.

I also build short-term consulting containers to implement using Human Design to empower your small team dynamics, recognize natural harmonics, and highlight potential pitfalls.

Please schedule a consult to discuss your team size, objectives and needs.

My Design:

2/4 Splenic Projector RAX Penetration

Channel of the Prodigal

Channel of Transformation

30 min reading - $175

90 min reading - $350

— testimonials —


I cant say enough about the embracing, awakening, and healing energies that transpired through my soul-satisfying Human Design reading and consultation with Russell. This is a relatively new space for me, and I’d been searching for someone I could trust and have faith in to provide a clear, communicative breakdown of all the intricate layers —- as well as the forward guidance to bring these understandings to life.

Incredibly knowledgeable in the space, not to mention a genuinely compassionate individual overall, I couldnt imagine a more heart-opening and spirit awakening experience. It’s an enlightening journey ahead, and I couldnt be more grateful to have Russell as a mentor and guide to help me stay the course

  • Melanie B.


‘Russell Pappas is a Master Healer and Teacher. His full presence, attention to subtleties, and infinite depth has made him one of my most trusted sources for any blind spots I may have. His extensive intuitive abilities are structured allowing you to surrender to be a safe place within YOU; to transmute trauma on all levels, increase productivity, functionality, and the literal mastery of the spiritual bodywork he accesses specific to your needs. I celebrate and advocate for more beings to experience his offerings, Russell Pappas reminds you of how much YOU are the gift. Heal it forward’

  • @santronbysource


I’ve experienced all kinds of excellent bodywork, energy healing and massage, and yet this was absolutely the most powerful mind/body/spirit work I have experienced to date.

Not only did I get a shoulder seemingly put back into place (I was in incredible shoulder, neck, and arm pain moments before that persisted for weeks, no matter what I tried) I also got an incredibly powerful transformational message in the process. This man is beyond talented and in tune with energy and the body structure.

Tremendously grounded, incredibly skilled, and insightful beyond belief.

  • Dana C.